Friday, August 24, 2007
Horror Video embedded
New Horror Commercial
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Halloween Merchandise at Big Lots
Halloween Enthusiasts.
I was at the Biglots in Cookeville, Tennessee today and found out that the first shipment of Halloween merchandise. Yours truly " The DragonMaster " Paul Pendragon got a sneak peek and it looks like its going to be an exciting year. Most of the first shipments should be out at your area Big Lots this weekend. They also have a website I think its but you may have to google to find it. I will be checking area K Marts, Walmarts and other stores over the next week.
I have a new blog The Horror Shopping Advisor where I will be giving you the best places to shop for Halloween merchandise. Whats available, Who has the best price, and more.
You can always check out our Haunted Attraction Marketplace at and if you can't find what you want anywhere then you can email me at and I will talk to our artist, and imagineers and see if we can't create it for you.
SPECIAL NOTE: Our brand new " Second Skin" full face prosthetics will soon be available you will love this new product.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Second Skin Custom Masks

Second Skin gives you a great professional look with the ease of prosthetics. Below are some samples
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Blog added to FeedBurner
Hauntmasters 2007
The 2007 haunt season is underway with many of us well into the design and build stage of our seasonal haunted attraction. We at Hauntmasters love to hear from all fellow haunters and we are always willing to help. You can find out more about DragonMaster Inc. , Calliber 7 Studios, and The Hauntmasters team by going to our website at you can see pics and video of our previous projects ( Fright Factory, House of Pain, Kicks Krypt, ) and information on our newest project Horror Hollow. We are spread out over the web with several groups dedicated to building better haunts. The links to these groups are as follows
We also have reviews of horror movies, special tribute sites, and a cool haunted attraction marketplace. We continue to add great stuff, so check back often as we continue to grow and as always
Happy Haunting
Paul " DragonMaster"
PendragonDME Hauntmasters
Event Promotion - Online Sales
BY: Paul " DragonMaster " Pendragon
If you have a small haunt to raise fund for your communityorganization or a larger one that you are operating as a forprofit project promotion is the key. Building your client base,getting the word out can be time consuming and expensive. You can always put coupons on the counters of local stores andput up flyers in store windows. This method is cheap but timeconsumng and really not that effective. It is imperative that you have a website for your event. You canget a professionally hosted site with low monthly payments at A website gives your event yearround exposure. The site can tell the back story, give times,dates, directions. and can also be used for online ticket sales.For an example see the site for my haunt at The best way to promote your haunt and to bring in the bucks isthru online ticket sales. This can be done thru Screampass.com . Screampass has no set - up charges,no initial service fees, and they only charge a dollar a ticket. Working with Screampass gives you a connection to people whoknow how to promote a haunt. It also gives you a connection toTicketmaster and other online agencies. Plus you can list yourhaunt in the many haunt directories connected to Screampass andthere affiliates which can be a very good way to drive people toyour website and your haunt. We have used Screampass for three years and we are extremelypleased with the service, support and the results we have gotten.So if its your first year or you have done a haunt for severalyears go to Screampass and get set up to sell tickets online.You will see your haunt grow in size and ticket sales which willensure you have a Happy Halloween. Tell the guys at Screampass that Paul from House of Pain andHidden Hollow in Tennessee sent you over. Paul " DragonMaster' Sharp is owner of DragonMaster Inc. andDME Hauntmasters
Haunted Design - Large Areas
Part of the House of Pain Haunted House is a school gym. And asalways large areas can pose a large problem for HauntedAttractions. The basic reasoning is this - in a seasonal hauntedattraction the event is constructed several weeks beforeHalloween and after Halloween needs to be taken down. Thisresults in temporary walls and a lot of plastic which is used totry and control traffic flow and seal off areas. The problems with large areas of temporary walls and plastic isthat often they start coming down as soon as they are put up. Infact at the House of Pain we had scared vistors push, tear andin other ways make an exit thru areas of plastic and temporarywalls. In our second year we came up with an idea which worked realwell for us. We used the gym area and constructed a hall ofdoors. This six door octagon not only took up a large area ofthe gym but gave us ways to confuse the visitors and lengthenthe stay in the house. The second advantage of having thisoctagon constructed in the center of the gym area is it could beused to stabilize and strengthen temporary walls so that thingsbasically stayed together. If you look at the graphic the vistors came off the gym stage atarea 1 and proceeded down the hall into the octagon area whereour actor was hiding in area " A " . Hallway 3 was basically adead end with graphics, the visitors then went thru a door toarea 4 where they were taken thru a " backstage " area andaround thru area 5 back into the octagon where the guide wasattacked by the actor leaving the visitors to go out into area 6and into a tight maze to the exit. Using the Hall of Doors and the various ways in and out gave thevisitors more time in the gym area and lengthened the stay inthe house. It also gave us a lot of different areas to hideactors especially those who came in just for the night anddidn't have a great costume. There was a cover on the octagon and several of the tunnelsgiving vistors a closed in feeling which added to thedisorientation and kept them in the gym area before entering themaze and exiting the house. The Hall of Doors was constructed using pegboard ( or you canchoose any cheap plywoof or tile board ) , 2 X 4 studs and cheapdoors found at yardsales, discount stores etc. The doors werepainted black and the walls covered with scene setters. It waslite with one black light in the center of the octagon and thenthe halls were lite with black lights and decorated with graphics.
For more information check out the Hauntmasters site at
Haunts - Safety and Security
In a previous article I suggested having guests and visitorssign a waiver before entering your attraction. In the samearticle I also said that if you were negligent then the waiverwould not hold up in court. So to help you prevent liabilityproblems here are some suggestions for safety and security atyour event. First and foremost check out my articles on façade design to learnabout safety for visitors from there car to the ticket line. Tosummarize here make sure the front of your event is lit wellenough that guests can see where they are going. Remove anytripping hazards, and ensure pathways are at least 36 incheswide to accommodate wheel chairs and motorized scooters, orpersons having trouble walking. Remember people will be orshould be excited about coming to your event and may not be ascareful about watching where they are going and what is goingaround. While its great to have a monster or two scaring people in lineremember those outside your event have not signed a waiver. Alsothose outside may be outside as they are not medically fit to goinside, or are two scared to even enter, scaring these peoplecould cause problems and is definitely a liability. Once inside you want your guest to enjoy there visit to yourattraction and to be as safe as possible. To ensure there are noproblems there are some basic safety and security issues thatneed to be addressedFirst no monster should touch any guest at anytime, for anyreason. While touching a guest is an easy scare if the guestshould trip etc, or make charges of an inappropriate touch youare in big trouble and the liability would become great. Youneed to try and make sure guest can not get to your monsters.The best case scenario is to have a railing or short wallbetween your monsters and sets and you guests. If this is notpossible then instruct monsters to try and keep an arms lengthfrom all guests so that accidents do not take place. Make sureall props are secure and safe. You can not anticipate what aguest will do when scared. In my experience many have gone thruwalls, tried to go thru glass windows, and gone thru sets toescape a particular monster or scare. If everything is wellsecured you won't have to worry about a guest being injuredbecause part of the set fell on them. Make sure walkways arewide enough for all who visit. Especially if you are allowingthose that are handicapped or in a wheelchair. Unless you warnvisitors in advice and have installed handrails or other safetyfeatures make sure the floor is even. Using mattresses, foam orother materials to make the floor " squishy " can be a trip andfall hazard. Make sure floors stay clear of water, props, andother items which may become a trip and fall hazard. While welike to make our haunted house dark and ominous hallways andwalkways should be lit enough that the average person can seewhere they are going. Make sure all doors that visitors have towalk thru open the way visitors have to go to get out. Trafficneeds to keep moving in a forward direction. Make sure all yourspooks, guides and others keep traffic going in a forwarddirection to keep visitors from being disoriented and going inthe wrong direction. Use of strobe lights, or flashing lights ofany kind can trigger seizures in some people. If you have suchlight in your haunted attraction make sure you post it at theentrance. NEVER point a strobe or flashing light directly intothe eyes of guest, this can cause a multitude of problems. Makesure there are fire extinquishers in each room. Make sure exitsare clearly marked. If possible install a panic system whichwill allow you to turn on all the lights in the attractionshould there be a medical emergency or other problem. You shouldalways design your haunted attraction so there are hidden exitsyou can use to get someone out of the attraction as quickly aspossible if a problem or medical emergency develops. Finally instruct all volunteers to be careful when scaringvisitors sometimes when an actor gets a reaction from a personthey stay on that person rather then retreating into thedarkness Or finding another person to frighten. A lot of peoplebring already frightened children into the house when thosechildren should be left outside. A visit to a haunted attractionshould be scary, but should also be fun. Fun for visitors,actors, and everyone involved in the event. With a little extra attention, a lot of thought, and attentionto detail you will have a successful attraction, one people liketo visit time and time again thru out the season.
If you have any questions email me at or check out the Hauntmasters website at
Halloween on a budget
Its that time a year again when we think about Halloween andmany of us think about how elaborate we can decorate our homes,or in my case our local Haunted House. Props, and decorations can be expensive and it pays to showaround. In this article I wanted to cover some inexpensive waysyou can be the hit of the town with affordable decorations. About a month before Halloween I begin " dumpster diving " goingto county dumbsites in search for usable items. I have foundglass panes, mirrors, and more that while I would not put it inmy own home, the items would fit great into a Halloween HauntScene. You can take old clothes and stuff them with newspaper, top itwith a latex mask like you buy at the store stuffed with paperand you have a halfway decent monster. You can take sheets ofstyrofoam from a home improvement store, score brick lines,words etc into it, shape it, paint it with cheap spray paint tomake stones and tombstones. When you score the styrofoam andthen paint it with cheap spray paint, the paint will eat away atthe styrofoam giving the item an old decaying look. Another trick I use to make guts etc is a can of expandable foamfound in hardware and home improvement stores. A little searching, a little work, and a whole lot ofimagination you can fix you home or haunt into a first classexperience for all your victims When decorating on a budget remember it will be dark whenvictims come to your home. Your home should be well litespecially pathways but lighting is also important for creatingthe haunting atmosphere you want. Finally remember that haunting involves all the senses. Yourhome or haunt should look, sound, and feel like a haunted house( or whatever theme you pick ). Go all the way a little money onone or two big items added to many smaller homemade or cheaperprops and decorations will go a long way to making your home orhaunt the best in town.
For more ideas go to our Hauntmasters website at
Designing Your Queline
From decorating your home, to a haunted house to raise funds, toa haunted house for profit certain things pertain to all and canhelp whatever you do be more successfull. In a series ofarticles I will attempt to help you design and build whateveryou desire for halloween and make it more successfull, and moreexciting. Remember you do not have to spend alot of money, butit will take time, imagination, and hard work. Everyone who has a home haunt always works on the outside themost, as the outside is what most people see. However a hauntedhouse as a fundraiser or for profit haunted attraction oftenspends more time on the inside then they do on the part of theattraction people will see first. We are always told that firstimpressions mean the most, and that applies in a big way tohaunted attractions. You need to set the stage for yourvisitors, and you need to prepare them for what is inside.. The facade is so important as they are what people see first,and it is what sets the stage and starts the frightning of theguest. Part of scaring people is the anticipation that somethingis going to happen. So your facade and queline should give yourvisitors the feeling that something dangerous and ominous isgoing to happen. Visitors will be prepared for your first scarebefore they ever enter your attraction. For home haunts most visitors will not enter your house. Theywill simply walk up to get there treats so the outside of ourhome and the areas leading up to the door is so very importantso that trick or treaters get the feeling that this is the housethey want to visit time and time again. First you should pick a theme for this halloween year. Betweenhaunted houses if I am going to be home for halloween I alwayspick a theme. And of course if I am designing and building ahaunted house the theme is so very important. In a home hauntyou are decorating for the season, in a haunted house to raisemoney or for profit you are telling a story. Without the storyyour visitors will be more confused then scared as to what isgoing on in your attraction. QUELINE / FOYERThe queline is the area where your visitors wait in line priorto going into the attraction. For some haunts this is outsideprior to buying tickets. For those haunted see my article ondecorating the facade available at both and at For those homehaunts / and haunted attractions where there is an insidewaiting area lets continue. Ensure that prior to buying tickets you have a sign with awarning for visitors to read.
For more information check out our Hauntmasters website at
Designing Your Facade
From decorating your home, to a haunted house to raise funds, toa haunted house for profit certain things pertain to all and canhelp whatever you do be more successfull. In a series ofarticles I will attempt to help you design and build whateveryou desire for halloween and make it more successfull, and moreexciting. Remember you do not have to spend alot of money, butit will take time, imagination, and hard work. Everyone who has a home haunt always works on the outside themost, as the outside is what most people see. However a hauntedhouse as a fundraiser or for profit haunted attraction oftenspends more time on the inside then they do on the part of theattraction people will see first. We are always told that firstimpressions mean the most, and that applies in a big way tohaunted attractions. You need to set the stage for yourvisitors, and you need to prepare them for what is inside.. The facade is so important as they are what people see first,and it is what sets the stage and starts the frightning of theguest. Part of scaring people is the anticipation that somethingis going to happen. So your facade and queline should give yourvisitors the feeling that something dangerous and ominous isgoing to happen. Visitors will be prepared for your first scarebefore they ever enter your attraction. For home haunts most visitors will not enter your house. Theywill simply walk up to get there treats so the outside of ourhome and the areas leading up to the door is so very importantso that trick or treaters get the feeling that this is the housethey want to visit time and time again. First you should pick a theme for this halloween year. Betweenhaunted houses if I am going to be home for halloween I alwayspick a theme. And of course if I am designing and building ahaunted house the theme is so very important. In a home hauntyou are decorating for the season, in a haunted house to raisemoney or for profit you are telling a story. Without the storyyour visitors will be more confused then scared as to what isgoing on in your attraction. WALKING UP TO THE HOME HAUNT OR HAUNTED ATTRACTION. Your planning and decorating should go from the road up to yourhome or attraction. Everyone should be in costume and thecostume should fit the theme in one way or another. The first thing to remember in planing the walk from the road tothe entrance / door of your house or attraction is lighting.While our tendency is to make things dark and scary the walk tothe entrance should be well lighted for safety sake. Dependingon your theme you can use pumpkins, tiki torches, luminares, oralternative forms of lighting so that visitors to your home orattraction can get to the door without tripping or falling. Makesure walkways are at least 40 inches wide to accomodatewheelchairs or small children clinging to a parent. Refrain from using strobe lights on the outside of your home orhaunted attraction close to the walkway or where the lights willhit those walking towards your home / haunted attraction. Strobelights can trigger seizures, migraines, or other physicalproblems in some individuals. If strobes are used at all theyshould be used in a way that they do not directly point to, orin the view of visitors. Also ensure the walkway is clear of debris or props that maytrip someone or cause them to fall. And I will make the pointnow and later. Never let an actor touch someone ! Touching aguest is a liability especially if the person falls. Also I wantto mention that some people coming to your home / hauntedattraction may suffer from panic attacks, and / or anxietyattacks so we want to make sure they get to the door withouthaving to call an ambulance. In the case of haunted attractionswarnings usually are posted only at the entrance, and waiversare signed until a person gets ready to enter. So if a person "freaks out " and has a medical emergency, or falls, you will beliable for any injury. FACADEThe facade is the outside of your home or haunted attraction andin the case of the haunted attraction most likely will includeyour ticketbooth and your warnings for visitors who should notenter the attraction. The first thing to consider is our windows. A cheap simplyapproach is to use the plastic window clings you can buy in moststores. A more expensive but better approach is to set up aPeppers Ghost Illussion in your windows so it appears there areghost awaiting the guests walking up. You can check out mywebsite for more on thisillussion and how best to use it. Next are the walls which you won't want to mess up with nails oradhesive. Scene setters which are available from my party storeis a good alternative for this. Scene Setters can be held upwith tape so you won't damage your home or building. Scenesetters come in many wall designs and also include decorationsthat attach to the scene setter to complete the affect. If you want to build a frame you can use styrofoam to make afake brick look to the outside with a little trimming and paint.Add a few old boards and you have a great look. Be sure that allthe items you use on the outside of your home or building arefirmly attached so they won't fall on someone. Many times overthe years a scared visitor made their own exit which includedtearing down part of the facade that I forgot to firmly attach. Once you have the walkway lighted, you have covered windows,walls. You can add smoke, specialty lighting ( caution on thestrobes ) and spread a few bones, chains, skulls and whateveryou can get to add to the effect. Halloween has evolved to the point that many stores sell motionactivated props that you can use outside your home or hauntedattraction. Use these when you can but remember. Most motionactivated props work on the principal that when a person walksin front the light level changes setting off the prop. If thearea where you use this prop is to dark then it won't work. Someof the props are sound activated. This solves the light problembut one prop can set off another prop atc. so you loose theeffect you want. Make sure you test all of your props andeffects prior to the opening of your attraction, or in the caseof the home haunt halloween night so you get the maximuim scarevalue you
For more information see our Hauntmasters website at
Tips For A Successfull Home Haunt
Friday, August 3, 2007
Introducing The Hauntmasters
The 2007 haunt season is underway with many of us well into the design and build stage of our seasonal haunted attraction. We at Hauntmasters love to hear from all fellow haunters and we are always willing to help.
You can find out more about DragonMaster Inc. , Calliber 7 Studios, and The Hauntmasters team by going to our website at you can see pics and video of our previous projects ( Fright Factory, House of Pain, Kicks Krypt, ) and information on our newest project Horror Hollow.
We are spread out over the web with several groups dedicated to building better haunts. The links to these groups are as follows
ULTIMATE HORROR BLOG ( may soon be redirected to
We also have reviews of horror movies, special tribute sites, and a cool haunted attraction marketplace.
We continue to add great stuff, so check back often as we continue to grow and as always
Happy Haunting
Paul " DragonMaster" Pendragon
DME Hauntmasters
Thursday, August 2, 2007
House of Pain Haunted House 2005
Tour House of Pain Haunted House 2005 co designed by DME Hauntmasters
House of Pain Escape Video
Check out this video of Margarette Le Claire doing her strait jacket escape at the House of Pain Haunted House 2005